Digital Subscriptions Newsletter – exclusive insights by Schickler for everyone who wants to drive digital revenue.

Insider knowledge for media experts

  • Chart: How Media Time prevents Churn

Media Time – Principal KPI for newsrooms

3. June 2021|

The list of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for newsrooms is long: Conversions, reach, active users, clicks, etc. At the German Drive Initiative (> 20 regional news sites), we realized that Media Time fits best. Media Time is defined as the [...]

  • KPI structure for Media Time

The 10th publisher joins the DRIVE initiative

3. June 2021|

Drive stands for Digital Reader Revenue initiative. Designed by the German news agency dpa and the leading German publishing consultancy Schickler, already ten publishers have joined this innovative way to analyse data, gain insights and accelerate change in newsrooms. They [...]

  • User Categorisation According to Engagement

Engagement drives conversion – and churn!

1. June 2021|

Many regional publishers are enjoying great success in acquiring digital subscriptions, especially in times of corona. The flip side are high churn rates. We see publishers with cancellation rates of 60% and above per year on the total subscriber base. [...]